Saturday, October 10

Be careful out there....

There's crazies on the loose.  Case in point: I'm driving in downtown Seattle tonight about a half hour ago and some guy in a volvo cuts me off.  He obviously doesn't see me, so I honk at him.  And then he just sits there in the lane and attempts to make an illegal U-turn on a one-way street.  So I honk at him again. So he throws open his door and (after a failed attempt to put the car in park) waddles his chubby little self as fast as he can in my direction yelling obscenities like a lunatic.  So I killed him.

Just kidding.  I sped off down Mercer Street.

1 comment:

  1. O wow I laughed... Hahaha! Reminds me of the time that gangster couple tried to run us all over.
