Monday, October 26

To Jay

This is a thought I had a few months back and I'm just now blogging about it here.

It’s a strange thing having to worry about taking care of someone else as well as yourself.  My buddy Jason Gabriel Pamer got married this weekend and so in the vein of wedding vows and lover’s spats, I have complied a short list of things that I have learned throughout my extensive experience (1 yr) in marriage.
When you get married…
1) You now have more than one opinion
2) You are not allowed to spend your money willy-nilly and eat Top Ramen because you have wasted your paycheck on things like guitars, video games, and burgers.
3) You are not allowed to drive like suicidal maniac in a stock car.
4) You have to consider things like life insurance. And by “consider,” I mean get some. And not the bare minimum, either.
5) As if your crazy family wasn’t enough, now you have another crazy family to deal with.  And not just mom and dad. But brothers, and sisters, and aunts, and uncles, and grandparents, and cousins, and pets, and…..
6) You have a home and you must go there.  You cannot get off work, go hang out with your buddies, sleep at someone else’s house, eat food on the road and go back to work.  You have a home.  And a wife.  And you like to hang out with her.
7) Your annoying habits are just that: annoying.  So stop them.
8) You no longer get to sleep by yourself. No matter how pissed off you both are. Or how bad they hog the covers.
9) You will stay with her forever.  There is no other option.
10) You are the most important thing in the world if only to that one person.  So live like it.  Have a little self-confidence.

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