Thursday, November 5

Information overload

Remember how it used to be? Remember that scene when in Hook when Peter is about to leave his office (he has that silly blue baseball cap on) and the guy who looks like Ryan Reynolds stops him and they have a "duel" by grabbing their cell phones out of their belt holsters? He had his huge cell phone on his belt! Giving him back problems, I'm sure.  But he was on top of the technology. Remember in the beginning of the 90's when people would have a home cell phone, a pager, a work cell phone, and a home number? (Ever heard of Google Voice, people?)
We think we've come so far. But we haven't. At this very moment I have the following: 2 blogs on blogger, a blog on wordpress, a myspace, a facebook, a photobucket account, a digg account, two twitter accounts, an evernote account, and my list of blogs I'm following on Google reader keeps growing. But it doesn't bother me. Know why? The internet is freaking amazing! And the people that utilize it to it's fullest potential are the most informed and affluent people on the planet. Twitter is an amazing marketing tool. Google is an amazing business/advertisement engine. Facebook connects me with almost everyone I could ever want to know about.
It's my personal goal to make the best use of the internet and the connectivity it lends me as I can. Because it's a big, big world. And I like to think it's shrinking small enough to fit in my palm.

But, be careful....

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